Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition

The game

4th edition saw a major overhaul of the game’s systems. Changes in spells and other per-encounter resourcing, giving all classes a similar number of at-will, per-encounter and per-day powers. Powers have a wide range of effects including inflicting status effects, creating zones, and forced movement, making combat very tactical for all classes but essentially requiring use of miniatures, reinforced by the use of squares to express distances. Attack rolls, skill checks and defense values all get a bonus equal to one-half level, rounded down, rather than increasing at different rates depending on class or skill point investment. Each skill is either trained (providing a fixed bonus on skill checks, and sometimes allowing more exotic uses for the skills) or untrained, but in either case all characters also receive a bonus to all skill rolls based on level. A system of “healing surges” and short and long rests are introduced to act as resource management.

The system of prestige classes is replaced by a system in which characters at 11th level choose a “paragon path”, a specialty based on their class, which defines some of their new powers through 20th level; at level 21, an “epic destiny” is chosen in a similar manner. Core rules extend to level 30 rather than level 20, bringing “epic level” play back into the core rules.