

In this section we will look in detail at what the application makes available to the player. In the course of future developments of these features will increase, as well as a greater number of supported games.

Base Features

Real Sheet Collection in its free version aims to allow the user to fully play his favorite role-playing game. Some features will be limited, but fully unlockable upon purchase. This will allow the user to be able to test and evaluate them before any expenditure.

  • Choice of many tabletop RPG games

    Once the application is open, using the “+” button you can choose the role-playing game you want to play.
    Once the choice has been made, the list of personal character sheets will appear, containing the desired game.
    It is possible to have only one character sheet in the free version of the app. To try another game you will need to delete the previous character sheet.

  • Creation of editable character sheets

    Each character sheet can have from one to four pages, and will be fully editable by the user.
    In the case of multiple pages, it is possible to switch from one to the other using the tab bar below.

  • Automatic main list, with main datas of each character

    Each character sheet, once filled in by the user, will automatically customize the main list of character sheets, by entering the main datas for each of them.
    This will allow easy recognition of the character sheet by the player.

  • Dice roller integrated into each sheet

    From each character sheet it will be possible to access the Dice Roller, in order to make the game experience richer and faster.
    It is possible to activate the Dice Table through the action button or by making a tap with three fingers on any page of the character sheet.

  • Selective note area for each character

    Each character sheet has a dedicated area, accessible via the tab bar, for any notes. It is a fully editable full screen text field.

  • Through the action button of each character sheet it will be possible to print it via Airprint, with all the data filled in by the user.

  • Generate PDF sheet file

    Through the action button of each character sheet it will be possible to generate it in PDF format, with all the data filled in by the user.

  • Share your characters

    Each character sheet of Real Sheet Collection can be shared in various ways, in PDF format:
    • By sending the files manually generated and saved in the device
    • By direct sending via Mail
    • By direct sending via Apple AirDrop

Premium Features

Real Sheet Collection in its premium version aims to allow the user to play his favorite role-playing game in full. All the features made available will be usable without any restrictions.
This will allow the user the best gaming experience during role playing.

You can purchase a single RPG, which will unlock Real Sheet Collection features selectively, or you can purchase full application unlock.
This last option will allow you to have no restrictions for all the games present, and for all future games.

  • Unlimited number of character sheets

    By purchasing the single game you will get the possibility to create the related character sheets, without any limit of number.
    By purchasing the total unlock of the application you will get the possibility to create infinite character sheets of each game available.
    Using the “Edit” button in the main list of character sheets, it will also be possible to order them at will, by dragging them to the desired position.

  • Unlimited number of dice formulas

    As visible in the Dice Roller area, it is possible to save dice rolling combinations, called formulas, by associating them with an identifying name.
    It will now be possible to save infinite formulas. Very useful in the case of managing data for spells rolls, hit rolls, damage calculation and probability calculation.

  • Sheet models: create, save and reuse them by Dropbox integration

    Thanks to this feature, from the action menu of each character sheet it will be possible to save and load the data entered into it.
    This option can be very useful for:
    • Save the character, even several times, to create backups
    • Create reusable templates to generate characters

  • No advertising

    Any purchase by the user will automatically and permanently remove the advertising banners present within the application.